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Joint Chair
My name is...
Fiona Revell, I have lived in Cambridge for well over 20 years and have been homeless many times during this period. I now have a council flat and intend to do all I can to keep it. I have had a lot of dealings with the mental health services, in fact my illness has led to me becoming homeless more than once. I used to be a riding instructor, horse breaker and show jumper. Unfortunately injury put a halt to my career. I also have a degree in Psychology and have worked with dogs as well as horses. Now, as well as Cambridge Link-Up, I am involved with writing for the Willow Walker (in fact I am guest-editing the next issue) and until recently with Homeless Truths radio show on 209radio.
The word "home..."
has always felt like it should mean somewhere safe and secure but in reality it's always meant the complete opposite. Home has actually always been somewhere I'd rather avoid.
I will always remember...
sitting with my grandad when I was about eight years old, watching 'Big Daddy' and 'Giant Haystacks' wrestling on Saturday Grandstand. We would sit watching while making sure we listened for the squeak of my gran's push-bike so that we could shoot out to the garden before she got back. We wouold rush out and pretend we'd been working in the vegetable patch as my Gran couldn't handle the idea of 'lazing around' in front of the telly while the sun was still up! I will also always remember the good friends that are no longer with us as they are people for whom I have many a good memory.
I would like to forget...
having been locked in a psychiatric secure unit, as it was truly the worst time of my life.
I enjoy...
writing, reading, using the internet, walking dogs in the fields, horse riding, driving and spending time with friends. I suppose I also enjoy a good heated discussion and punk & indie music.
I hate...
peanut butter with a passion, people's lack of tolerance, understanding and respect for each other, cheesy manufactured pop bands like Girls Aloud, Spoce Girls et al. I hate any form of animal cruelty and I have to say over priced designer clothes that look like crap and scream money.My favourite song is...
'Will you' by Hazel O' Connor and my favourite TV show is Tribe with Bruce Parry.
My most treasured possession is...
my trilby style hat. It was given to me by a very dear friend (Jimmy McCluskey) who died some years ago. He spotted it when he was out, thought of me and then went out of his way to get it for me. The effort he made to get it meant a lot to me at the time but now it means even more as it feels like having a bit of him with me.
If I ruled the world...
I would make it mandatory for people to learn tolerance and repsect for one another. I would also instigate some kind of massive redistribution of wealth, as I firmly believe there is no need for anyone to live in any kind of poverty. It sounds idealistic but in my world there would be no hunger, homelessness or crime.
I am part of Cambridge Link-up because...
I think that there is so much talent and skill within the street community and I want to be part of helping that to be seen. I also think that it is important that homeless and ex-homeless people run Link-Up as we (hopefully) understand where people are coming from and the problems they face and will be able to help more because of this. Lastly for me personally, it has helped build my confidence and made me feel more useful and needed than I have in a long time.Return to Tales from a draughty old fen